Our Story:

We are two sisters+one husband+one best friend
who come from a
diverse set of backgrounds
but decided to bring this company about from
a mutual passion for farmers, chocolate,
delicious things, and community.

We source high quality and delicious cacao
from origin:

We believe in relationships above
certifications, and justice within systems of
trade. We are currently sourcing directly
from Mexico in Soconusco, and through
our partners Uncommon Cacao
in Tumaco, Colombia.

We make everything by hand
in small batches:

Chocolate making, we believe, is an art best
executed by hand, by people. We roast, crack
and winnow, and refine the old world way.
We hand temper, hand pour,
and hand wrap our bars.

We source our other ingredients as locally and
sustainably as possible:

We grow what we can (we’re small-time
-very small time- farmers ourselves), and look for other
small producers when we can’t.

We’re a bunch of artists:

We value beauty, creativity, and exploration in everything we do. We believe that shows itself in every aspect of what we create - from our thoughtful branding and package design to our inclusion bar ideas.