We start at the farm level:

All good chocolate starts with the seeds of the cocoa pod. We work directly with producers, and could say so much about this step of the process (and we do, here). But we’ll keep it brief: We buy high quality cacao directly from those who grow it.

We Roast:

In small batches, lightly, to preserve the higher floral notes and bright acidity (think ‘fruity’ not ‘sour’), and let the work done at origin shine. After roasting, we crack the seeds, and winnow away the husk.

Now we have nibs - one of the two ingredients in our bars.

We Process

We drop these nibs and some minimally processed cane sugar into our mélangers, and let the magic of time and granite stones turn these two hard substances into a rich and creamy chocolate liquer.

We hand temper:

The final step in making chocolate chocolate. We use the table top method, it looks a bit like a dance: moving the chocolate around on granite slabs with spatulas with the end goal of changing the crystal structure of the cocoa fats and sugar to create the shine, snap, and melt you love when you crack into a fresh bar.

We hand pour.

You’re probably noticing a trend by now, and it’s “manual.” We’re small batch, start to finish. We pour by hand, we package each bar by hand.

We love
the slow,
the art,
the craft,

of going from bean to bar. We think it’s the best way.